Friday, February 1, 2013

Night Cheese Episode 50 - Return of the Cheese

The Night Cheese is back!! In this episode, we play some catch-up, discuss some Netflix news that happened during our hiatus, and recommend a 2012 documentary, as well as a television drama.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Night Cheese Episode 48 - Caged Aliens

In this episode of the Night Cheese Podcast, Stephen and Tim discuss two films -- both on Netflix Instant -- one an MMA drama starring Tom Hardy, and the second a film, for your Halloween needs, a sci-fi thriller from John Carpenter. They also discuss some recent odd food discoveries, and find out that Tim can't pronounce Antarctica that well.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Night Cheese Episode 47 - The Love Child of Encyclopedia Brown and Carmen Sandiego

In this episode of the Night Cheese podcast, Stephen and Tim respond to some listener feed back, and discus two independent films -- one a detective noir homage set in high school, and one about the indie game scene.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Night Cheese Episode 46 - Day Cheese

In this specialty episode of the Night Cheese podcast, Stephen and Tim mix things up a little, and completely flip the script by discussing some of their least favorite films and their guilty pleasures. In fact, Tim discusses a guilty pleasure he's almost too embarrassed to talk about -- something only his wife knows about. Until now.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Night Cheese Episode 45 - How I Met The Sons of Anarchy

In this episode of the Night Cheese podcast, Stephen and Tim's recommendations share many of the same qualities -- they're both on Netflix Instant, they are both current television shows, both are returning this September, and both are shows they didn't expect to end up enjoying. One big difference, however. One's a sitcom about young adults in New York, and one's about a motorcycle club.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Night Cheese Episode 44 - You Died of Exaggerated Dysentery

In this episode of the Night Cheese Podcast, Stephen and Tim hate a little more on Michael Bay, and discuss a few movies -- two from 2003, both with similar traits and messages, and a recent film featuring the treacherous Oregon Trail.